Welcome to Bondon.com!This is my newly revised home on
the World Wide Web. Complete with a whole new look! This page just got a new
face lift, compliments of Microsoft FrontPage98. In case you haven't already
guessed, I am NOT a programmer!!! And with this program, you don't have to
be! Simply create your web page just as you would type a letter using MS
Word and bingo! That's all there is to it! Front Page does all the HTML coding
for you! Now how cool is that :) It can do way more than I even realize at
this point. Of course, there are other programs out there to choose from besides
Front Page, like Adobe PageMill, so don't think you need to learn the real raw HTML code
to make your very own web page -- YOU DON'T. Although I initially used Front Page 98 to create this web site, in light of my recent computer troubles at home I do not have access to this program at present. So this month I am editing this page using the Netscape Composer utility in Netscape Communicator 4.03. Also a very slick, powerful, and easy to use program for making web pages.
I am 27, single, and love the sunshine. I have a variety of interests and goals. My most notable loves being technology and the outdoors. I am not an avid camper or nature watcher. I do, however, love playing sports outdoors, going on hikes, and anything related to water -- water-skiing, swimming, waterslide parks. I would much prefer to be outdoors enjoying the sunshine than cooped up inside all day (though such is my fate currently). I am the type of person who prefers to ride with the windows down on a hot day, rather than turn the air conditioning on. [Okay, if it breaks the 100 degree mark then I'll likely cave in] :0) I used to work for a computer manufacturer, as a Technical Support Specialist. That means I was one of those guys on the other end of the phone when you call up to say "It doesn't work!! Help!!!". That was my first job in the computer field. Today I work closer to home for a staffing company in their Computer Support division. I used to be one of those people that feared opening up the computer to add more memory, a new hard drive, or whatever. Now that I have been doing this for over two years, I no longer have that fear, and have already upgraded, and fixed my own computer numerous times (both those I use at work and this one here at home). Now when someone calls with a question or a problem, I take it on wholeheartedly as a new challenge! I use and am proficient with both Mac, Windows and DOS based systems.
Last December premiered one of the greatest movies of all time! (okay,. granted that is my own personal biased opinion!). If you haven't seen this movie yet, let me just tell you right now, D.! It's awesome! One of the best original scripts ever. If you liked The Joy Luck Club then you will absolutely love Titanic! The movie has a great love story, incredible effects, recreating the tragic disaster like never before. Plus you will experience what it was like to be on that infamous voyage; the sets, the costumes, even right down to the mannerisms of the cast --- every detail has been painstakingly attended to. This movie is definitely a keeper for your home video / DVD collection! By the way, did you know the director isn't making a dime off this movie?! even though it was a large portion of HIS money that funded it. For
now, you can learn more about this great movie, even take a virtual tour of the ship at
CNET and Intel's new joint venture: The
MediaDome. Good Will Hunting Probably one of THE BEST movies of all time. Rivals Titanic, but the really incredible thing about this whole movie is who wrote it, and the complexity and depth of the subject matter and story line. The movie (if somehow you haven't heard) was co-written by two of the movies main leads, Ben Afflect and Matt Damon. These 20-something actors/writers not only managed to crank out one of the most original, heartfelt, and entertaining movie plots of the late 20th century, it is also one of the more thought provoking. And needless to say, teamed with Robin Williams, the acting performance by all in the cast is phenomenal! This movie will blow you away again and again, and leave you with much to talk about and much to reflect on in the characters you meet. It's now available on video, so if you've only seen it once, or maybe you've NEVER seen it (bite your tongue!) might I suggest tonight be movie night? :)
Dawson's Creek One of my new favorite shows is Dawson's Creek
on the WB network. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out. Probably
better than "Savannah" was! :) Dawson's Creek airs on
Tuesdays at 9PM (Pacific time). Check your local listings.
My latest TV favorite is Ally McBeal. I didn't start watching this until the end of the last season, so all summer long each episode of this great show is new to me! Talk about a show with great writing! Another definite MUST see show. But you won't find it on NBC ... this one airs Monday nights on FOX.
As for my love of technology, you name it I probably would love to learn more about it. Sure I think computers and the internet are great, but take a moment to look around. Whether in your home, in your car, at work, or on your person, the number of ways technology continues to impact our lives is astounding! And with our transition from the Industrial Age to the Information Age, technological innovations will most likely continue at an excellerated rate. This is truly a great time to be alive! .... More about my love of technology in the coming weeks. If you are a technology fan, or on the other hand maybe you consider yourself technically 'challenged', then fear not and check out my new TechnologyMan site. Later this year I plan to unveil a new email newsletter geared for home and small business users of technology. If you would to sign up to receive this once it's ready, all you have to do is ask! Click here to visit my TechnologyMan website (under construction) Click here to send me email to sign up for my periodic TechnologyMan electronic newsletter. There is no cost to do so, and your email address will be kept private.
This is my second attempt at a web page. Here you will find more information about me and my interests than in my previous "bare-bones" home page. Take your time; explore the links that appeal to you. I've included information here about local artist Jocelyn Enriquez, one of my favorite musicians, and a new pollution free energy invention the mainstream media isn't talking about. Have a look around, and I look forward to hearing your feedback about my new site. As with any website, mine is a work in progress. I need not tell you this will always be "Under Construction". Currently I am using the default settings within the Front Page software, but as I become more proficient and learn all the ins and outs of the program, I will create my own unique themed pages, graphics, radio buttons, etc.
Click here to visit my Very First Home Page. This page was last updated on 09/08/98.